Your Security in Real Time 

Comprehensive Project Record The LiveBuilt Stage provides a comprehensive record of the completed project, including all design concepts, elements, and before-and-after pictures. This can be a valuable resource for the team for future reference or for demonstrating their work to potential clients.

The LiveBuilt Stage impresses clients and enhances their satisfaction by providing them with a detailed and interactive record of the installations.

It can be easily accessed by clients anytime. It allows clients to easily report issues and access detailed information about each element in the project. 

Clients can submit a service ticket for any comments they would like to make, or request for service regarding a device.

Access to Detailed Information

Benefits for Clients & Teams

Enhanced Client Satisfaction

Easy Reporting of Issues

Service Ticket System

Interactive Record of Installations 

Clicking on elements provides installation information, and certain elements like cameras can display a live video feed. This allows clients to have a detailed understanding of each element in the project.

LiveBuilt provides clients with a visually rich, interactive deliverable they can easily access anytime, with all asset data at their fingertips. This gives them a comprehensive overview of the completed project, including all design concepts, elements, and before-and-after pictures.