
Q: How do I view and manage clients?

A: As a new user, accessing and managing clients is easy once you understand the basic steps:

1. First, click on the ""Clients"" button in the main navigation bar. This will open the Clients page.

2. Here you will see a list of existing client companies your organization works with. Click on a company name to open their profile.

3. In the client profile you can view and edit their information, add new contacts, and assign users. You can also click to view associated projects.

4. To add a completely new client, look for a ""+CLIENT"" button on the Clients page. Fill in their details and submit to create."

Q: I need to update a client's information but can't find where to edit it. What should I do?

A: Updating client information is easy once you locate their profile. Follow these steps:

1. Go to the ""Clients"" page and click on the client company name to open their profile.

2. Look for an ""Edit"" button or pencil icon to put the page into edit mode.

3. This will allow you to update details like the company name, address, phone number, email, etc. 

4. After making changes, be sure to click ""Save"" or ""Submit"" to record the updates.

5. To add or remove client contacts, go to the ""Client Users"" tab in their profile.

Q: What's the difference between a client company and a client user?


-Client Company: The organization or business entity that you are doing work for.

-Client User: An individual contact person who works for and represents the client company.

-For example: IGT Inc. would be listed as a Client Company. But John Smith, who works at IGT Inc, would be added as a Client User under that company's profile.

-The client company details provide information about the overall customer organization. The client users represent your actual contacts at that company.

Q: I need to add a new contact person for an existing client. What do I do?

A: It's easy to add new client contacts (users) to existing client companies in OneSurvey. Just follow these steps:

1. Go to the ""Clients"" page and open the profile of the client company.

2. Select the ""Client Users"" tab.

3. Click the ""+Client User"" button.

4. Enter the details of the new contact, like their name, email, phone number.

5. Click ""Submit"" to save the new client user profile.

-Now they will be associated with that client company as a point of contact. Make sure client users have the right permissions to access necessary projects and data.

Q: What's the quickest way I can look up a client contact's phone number or email?

A: The Clients page in OneSurvey makes it easy to quickly find client contact information:

1. Go to the ""Clients"" page and locate the client company you need.

2. Without even opening the full profile, you can view limited details like phone number and email for client contacts.

3. Click the small arrow next to any client user to expand and see their information. 

4. Now you can access their phone, email, or other details without navigating away.

5. For more complete contact information, open their full profile within the client company profile.

Q: What's the quickest way I can look up a client contact's phone number or email?

A: The Clients page in OneSurvey makes it easy to quickly find client contact information:

1. Go to the "Clients" page and locate the client company you need.

2. Without even opening the full profile, you can view limited details like phone number and email for client contacts.

3. Click the small arrow next to any client user to expand and see their information. 

4. Now you can access their phone, email, or other details without navigating away.

5. For more complete contact information, open their full profile within the client company profile.!"

Q: How do I add a new client?


1. Go to the "Client" page from the main navigation bar.

2. Click on the "+ CLIENT" button.

3. Fill out the client details in the form that appears - name, address, contacts etc.

4. Click "SUBMIT" when done to create the new client profile.

Q: How do I find a client's contact information?


1. Go to "Clients" and click on the specific client name to open their profile.

-All their contact details will be visible, including email, phone, address etc.

Q: How do I remove a client from OneSurvey?


1. Go to "Clients" and click on the client name to open the profile.

2. Click on the "Delete" button in the top right.

3. Confirm that you want to remove this client from OneSurvey.

4. The client profile will be permanently deleted.

Q: How are client users different from client companies?


- Client companies are the organizations you do business with.

- Client users are individual contacts who are part of those client companies.

Q: Can a client company have multiple contacts?


- Yes, you can add multiple client users under each client company.

- These could be primary points of contact or different stakeholders.

Q: How do clients access OneSurvey?


- Clients are provided login access to a client portal with limited permissions.

- Here they can access resources like LiveBuilt and submit tickets.

Q: How do I add a new client company to OneSurvey?

A: To add a new client company, navigate to the 'Clients' page in the main navigation bar. Here, you will find a '+ CLIENT' button. Clicking on this button will open a form where you can input the company's information, such as the company name, email, phone number, and address. Once you've filled out all the necessary information, click 'SUBMIT' to add the client company.

Q: How do I edit the information of a client company?

A: To edit the information of a client company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Here, you will find a list of client companies. Click on the name of the company you want to edit. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Information' submenu, you can edit the company's information.

Q: How do I add a new client user to a client company?

A: To add a new client user to a client company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Click on the name of the company to which you want to add a user. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Client user' submenu, you will find a button to add a client user. Clicking on this button will open a user registration menu where you can input the new user's information, such as first name, last name, username, phone number, password, and email address. Once you've filled out all the necessary information, click 'Submit' to add the client user.

Q: How do I assign users to a client company?

A: To assign users to a client company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Click on the name of the company to which you want to assign users. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Client user' submenu, you will find a button to assign users. Clicking on this button will allow you to reassign or remove already saved client users within the company.

Q: How do I add new projects to a client company?

A: To add new projects to a client company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Click on the name of the company to which you want to add projects. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Projects' submenu, you will find a button to add new projects. Clicking on this button will open a project information pop-up menu where you can input the project name, number, and assign a client user. This is particularly useful when a client company has multiple locations that all need separate projects.

Q: How do I delete a client company from OneSurvey?

A: To delete a client company, navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Here, you will find a list of client companies. Locate the company you want to delete and click on the 'Delete' button next to it. Please note that deleting a client company will also delete all associated data, including projects and client users, so use this function with caution.

Q: How do I assign a client user to a specific company?

A: To assign a client user to a specific company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Click on the name of the company to which you want to assign a user. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Client user' submenu, you will find a button to assign users. Clicking on this button will allow you to reassign or remove already saved client users within the company.

Q: How do I view all the projects associated with a specific client company?

A: To view all the projects associated with a specific client company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Click on the name of the company whose projects you want to view. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Projects' submenu, you will find a list of all the projects associated with that company.

Q: How do I add a new project to a specific client company?

A: To add a new project to a specific client company, first navigate to the 'Clients' section in the main navigation bar. Click on the name of the company to which you want to add a project. This will open a menu screen with three different submenus: Information, Client user, and projects. In the 'Projects' submenu, you will find a button to add new projects. Clicking on this button will open a project information pop-up menu where you can input the project name, number, and assign a client user.

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